Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Great Depression meals

On Facebook there was a topic with a title of “5 Great Depression Era Meals”. A large number of people could not access it, including myself because of a page coming up with an error message. So I began to search out meals and found the following information. This will be good for preppers or just to save some money. There are some things included that I do not think most would want, such as gopher, chicken feet and road kill.

A list of Great Depression meals.

With all the talk about food storage and growing our own food, I did a little digging around to find out what some people ate during America’s Great Depression of the 1930’s.  Surprisingly, a few of these were made by my mother and grandmother, traditions, I’m sure, from a more frugal era.  I still have a soft spot for Chipped Beef on Toast!  How many of these are familiar to you, and do you have any others to add to the list?

Lessons learned from this list?  Stock up on ingredients for bread, including buckets of wheat.  Bread, in some form, is one of the main ingredients for many of these meals.  Second, know how to make different types of bread.  Next, have chickens around as a source for meat and eggs, and if possible, have a cow or goat for milk.  Another lesson is to have a garden that will provide at least some fresh produce, and plant fruit trees and bushes.  Finally, don’t waste anything, even chicken feet!

Check out these Great Depression cookbooks:

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